Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?

For some time now I have been progressing towards the Lamm ML2/ML2.1. My current system contains Avalon Eidolon speakers and the Lamm M1.1 (or did contain the M1.1 as I just sold them).

I love the Avalon Eidolon and have difficulty letting them go. My eventual progression is still towards the ML2/ML2.1, but I am curious whether anyone here has been crazy enough to try the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon. If so, what were the results?

I do know the ML2/ML2.1 and their 18 watts can still drive relatively inefficient speakers, but perhaps not the Eidolon with their impedance swings and overall 4 ohm 87dB efficiency. I could, and may, try the ML1.1 as an intermediate step, and the last step in the evolution of my Eidolon, before I move to the ML2/ML2.1.

So, any thoughts on the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon as opposed to the ML1/ML1.1, even though I expect I will eventually still replace the Eidolon for speakers that mate better with the ML2/ML2.1.

Thanks much.

I don't think it would be powerful enough either.

My friend uses the Eidolons, and he went through various tubes amps of varying power (from 100 wpc to 450 wpc), and it took the hybrid Lamm M2.2s to really bring the Eidolons to life. Without that firm control, the bass was always a little rolled off. With that power, the Eidolons have come to life! (And not only in the bass, which is now rock solid, but the treble has a decay like nothing I ever heard, and without being bright either.
The vocals are awesome as well, at least as good as any of the tube amps he tried.

(FYI: I found the sound of his Lamm M2.2s so enticing, that I bought the M2.1s (used, as I can't afford new Lamms!), to power my Revel Studios. While it is not quite as good as the M2.2/Eidolon combo, it is pretty close!)

My two cents worth anyway.
Good Luck in your search!
F1a - they are 25k EUR. That is a lot, but as I said they just BLOW AWAY my Lamms M1.2, which cost almost the same here in Europe. Those amps use some NOS ECC88 tubes and Full Music 300B tubes. Wiring is all-silver, including the silver wired output transformers. It also uses V-Cap teflon capacitors throughout.

There has been a very positive review of their player in one of the latest issues of HiFi News. I have also heard that player, but to me, this is the amp which is the star of the game.

I was to wright a separate thread about that amp, but never had the time.
As a former Eidolon owner, I must chime in with a vote for "crazy". The Avalons are pure magic if driven by the correct amp. They become rather uninvolving and ordinary if not mated to a synergistic piece in a well treated room.

IMO, those amps are relatively few. I will say that the common thread in every one of them is high current, high power. I am a total tube fanatic these days, but would not have run the Avalons with anything generating less than 300W/channel. Given that many consider the Eidolon not to be "tube friendly, I always thought they would "kick @##%" with the VTL 750s, or big ARs. (And maybe the Hybrid 300 Tenors)

Personally, I ran them with Pass 600s, with very nice results (although not spectacular). Boulder, Spectral, and a few others will provide a a special match. Most of the time you will see them mated to SS gear in reference level systems.

I would not dream of mating them to my currently owned Tenor 75s. IMO the Lamms won't be much different, and the load on the amps will likely adversely impact tube life.

Good Luck

Thanks. You're correct, as the OTL is going to have trouble with the low and non-stable impedance of Eidolon, however, the main point of my response relates to necessary output power.

The Lamm is simply not going to provide the power necessary to realize the full potential of the Eidolon compared to many other amps. I also still believe you will be taxing the Lamm, regardless of design.