Is There a New version of Logitech Media Server?

I noticed a messsage on my music server yesterday indicating a new version of Logitech Media Server was available. Have not had a chance to investigate further yet.

That surprised me in that Logitech no longer produces Squeezebox clients for the server and I had not noticed any updates available for quite a while.

So is this a legit update? Who is supporting the server these days and doing updates? Logitech still?

If anyone knows anything about this, please chime in.

In fairness, I think it should be pointed out that it was a single person who reported problems at AA. Another person there updated without any problems. I don't think there has ever been a software program created that didn't have an issue for someone, somewhere. Note all of the prior versions are still available and it is easy to revert back to an earlier version if you don't get the results you expect.
I have 3 SB's and yesterday they pushed an updated version to my server when I arrived home from travel.

Version 7.7.3 with a build date of Mon, Aug 12, 2013

I am unable to tell you if any functionality changed or not, since I haven't fooled with it yet. Don't know if this helps you or not.

Here's the changelog for you. Rootman

Version 7.7.3 - 2013-08-21

New Features:
Replace custom OSX installer with a standard installation package (.pkg file). Please note that the OSX build now requires OSX 10.5 as a minimum.
Make the OSX PrefPane 64-bit compatible.

Server Changes:
Improved support for radio station artwork. Improved radio station browsing.
Remove legacy Napster plugin. Napster now is a Rhapsody company.

Platform Support:
Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks, which has Perl 5.16, is now supported.
Perl 5.16 modules for Linux systems have been added.

Bug Fixes:
#8141 - Macintosh: Prevent Sleep While Playing
#15896 - Missing metadata information due to cr/lf in title information
#16409 - Playlists menu should show album/artist
#17542 - Albums not credited to Album Artist
#17635 - Search results have album art instead of track art
#17894 - urlmd5 column in tracks table aren't set correctly for FLAC + CUE images
#18036 - Cometd client manager fails to purge dead clients causing memory leakage
#18043 - urlmd5 column in tracks table not set properly for new playlists
Fix "cannot request non-http url" issue when bringing up the context menu on a remote stream
Artwork cache would grow forever
Fix default expiry duration in cache code - it would expire immediately if not overwritten in the caller.
Improve recovery from corrupted cache files
If you go over to audio asylum there is a warning about this upgrade. It is chrashing the program for a lot of people and you cannot go back. They say they are working on the problem but no luck yet. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS UPGRADE
Hmmm. Yesterday I was unable to connect to (and thus access Pandora and MOG) for an hour or so, then fine. Sorry to be of no help!