Has anyone heard the Ref 3?

Just curious if anyone has had the opportunity to copare Audio Research's new Ref 3 preamp with the older Ref 1 or Ref 2 or even LS 25 Mk II.
I can only make a guess, but perhaps the 6550 has a slightly higher gain than the original power supply tube. In both Ref 3's I listened to, all with original layout, one powering a Rowland 302, the second a Theta Dreadnaught, I had to raise the volume to 70 and 76 respectively to obtained the realistic sound level I am used to with my old LS2B with volume at approx 43%. Not a big deal though, because above 78 volume became too loud on the Ref 3 anyway.

It did come with the 6550 and the caps.

It is without question the best preamp I have ever heard. I have it hooked up to an ARC VT 200 driving Maggie 1.6's. I listen to phono at about 72, cd at 65.