Tubes for Audible Illusions Modulus 3A?

I have an AI M3A from around 1995 that seems to eat tubes on a regular basis. I got it used in an A-Gon purchase,it had stock Sovtek tubes,which were clearly past their prime. I've since tried some Electro-Harmonix 6922's,which developed noise very quickly,some Golden Dragon 6DJ8's which lasted a bit longer,but now one is hissing away in the left channel. Should I bite the bullet and pay AI's ridiculous price of 35.00 per tube,or has anyone had good experiences with alternatives for less money? Thanks. Bob LaBarca
I use matched 6H23-EBs from Kevin Deal at $30.00 each (this is NOT expensive) with excellent luck. I used them in my previous 3A as well.

I have a AI M3A (love it, great preamp), but I only get to listen on the weekends, sometimes every other weekend. I used to leave it on stand-by all the time, but more recently, like this summer with the heat, I have been turning the preamp all the way off (at the wall) off on Sunday night, and back on the following Saturday (or 2 weeks later). Is this going to be better or worse for tube life than just leaving it on stand-by at all times (which is certainly worse for the electric bill and the enviroment)?
Docknow, Judging from your message, I see nothing wrong with disconnecting AC from your M3a/audio system during long periods. I highly reccommend this practice during lightning storms. Your M3a uses apx 45 volts which won't make much of a dent in your electric bill. Don't know about the rest of your system. Regards, Jerry
Thanks to everyone. I know you have to be a bit of a masochist to use tubes,and perhaps my reaction to the AI price was a bit of a knee-jerk. I'll try a set from AI-sounds like I'll be happy and that they're the best bet. Bob