Bidding Frustration

This past weekend I placed a bid on an integrated amp and the seller countered. My understanding is the counter was to be open to acceptance or rejection for 48 hours. I gave it some thought and about half a day after the counter was prepared to accept it but it was gone as was the listing. I e mailed audio gin and the answer I received was yes a counter is good for 48 hours unless the seller pulls the listing. Logic indicates that while the counter was pending the seller received another offer he accepted and pulled the ad. My opinion is not cool. Thoughts?
My title confused things and for this I apologize. In fact, I made an offer and the seller sent me a counter offer. My read of the rules was I had 48 hours to respond. Thus, my frustration that well before the 48 hours had expired the listing was gone. I then submitted a question to Audiogon and was told that if the ad was pulled then I did not, in effect, have the 48 hours.

Mitch does indeed clear up things. Now that he has done so in light of my misleading title, I am curious about what those who have responded in one way or another "you snooze you lose" feel about the situation. The same?
Pgleekel, while Audiogon members can be a great sounding board, unfortunately public opinion will not really solve your issue. In these situations, your choice is either to take action, or not.

Not sure why Audiogon would give you the "unless the seller pulls the listing" answer if they understood your question, since that is not supported by their own buy/sell rules, but then they do not govern, they only facilitate.

In any event, I believe your options would include either leaving negative feedback for the individual who pulled the ad, starting a dispute, or simply letting bygones be gone. I see you have been here awhile so you know there will be other opportunities, like Peter said above. Better luck in your future dealings.
Thanks Mitch once again you are right on the mark. I decided a bit ago to let it go. After all it's just stuff and I do know there will be other opportunities. Truth be told, I was simply curious about how people would react to the situation and thus give me a chance to get a feel for how a majority of those who responded might conduct themselves if placed in a like place.
The waiting period causes problems on both ends. As a seller I have lost sales waiting for a buyer to respond to a counter offer, and as a buyer I have missed out on buying other gear while waiting for a seller to respond to an offer. And some members never respond, instead letting offers expire. I try to respond to offers and counter offers immediately.
Imo....In this day and age 48 hours is way too long...  

I learned something though....that counter offer freezes the seller?  I won't be doing any more counteroffers!