RE: Percussion Album – Any Good Ones?

I once listened to a percussion recording on L/P which started with a narrative about slavery in Africa – a very powerful presentation. I think the male singer was African American (could originally from South Africa) but I couldn’t remember his name. Can someone point me to the right direction?

Also, would you recommend a few good percussion masterpiece – Red Book version? Thanks.
Percussion Music, New Jersey Percussion Ensemble, on the Nonesuch label. Verese and others. Unfreakinbelievable!
While an 'audiophile' percussion album is fun to listen to, I liken it to listening to recordings of trains, helicopters, and sound effects. There's great percussive MUSIC out there. If, instead of focusing on how well yr rig is reproducing a sound, and you feel like being physically moved and excited by a 'performance', Latin music, dance & Jazz, is a veritable universe of diverse wonderful music to be explored! There's very rarely any mention of any type of Latin music here so I chalk it up to unfamiliarity but I sometimes wonder about the latino audiophiles that 'lurk'. Here's one that should test yr system. Featuring two of the best musicians around on their respective instruments; 'Traveling Through Time' - Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez & Giovanni Hidalgo. Featuring only the 2 of them on drums and congas, a percussion masterpiece!!!
Brent Lewis 'Earth Tribe Rhythm' is a classic from the day, also checkout LessLoss website for free Drum Duet (24/96 kHz) download. Another member mentioned here Babatunde's 'Love Drum Talk' but also checkout Babatunde's 'Circle of Drums.' There are some wonderful solo recordings of vibes worth a listen and that's percussion too (c:
604 classical,219 ethnic and 143 jazz/rock percussion recordings are listed by Must have a hundred or so in my collection. Also contact PAS the percussive arts society for more info. Careful it can become an obsession