Shunyata Hydra

Ok, I need to make it clear that I am no philistine. I hear the difference between many items with nuanced ability to alter sound quality and fully agree that one must play with every part of their set up to get the sound they want. However, I have played with my shunyata power snakes and hydras in a million ways with many components and in many rooms and have tried floating the ground before and after the hydra and many many more variations. AFTER EVALUATING THE SOUND BOTH WITH COMPUTERS AND MANY UNBIASED EARS I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT SHUNYATA POWER PRODUCTS HAVE ANY SONIC INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER. When I started buying shunyata products I was told by a salesman, "the impact of shunyata hydras and power snakes are in no way subtle." I will dispute that claim with anyone. I spent good money on these parts and wanted them to work very strongly. I can say without reservation their effect is nil. I'm staggered that so many are convinced of their worth.
Reference should have been to Cardas Golden Reference. I also note that the Focal speakers are superb and very naturally revealing and cannot be the reason that the OP cannot hear the effects of the Shunyata products IMHO.
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Ahhh, a post after my own heart. The reason you can't hear any difference from the power conditioner, I am guessing, is you are one of the lucky few to have a stable and consistant power supply. What most good conditioners do, is give you a stablely consistant supply, which in my experience the power grid does not. My home in Texas is in one of those massive "Master Planned" communities, that was hopelessly under wired for transmission. The occurance of power surges and variance in flow is really astounding. I have lost 2 very expensive Thermador ovens to powewr surges. We moved to non-electronic version after the last failure.

In that environment, adding a power conditioner made a HUGE improvement to sound. In fact I tried many, and found that putting in a PS Audio Soloist (wall outlet/conditioner) and then an APC S20 conditioner with battery back up was my best solution. Wow, what a difference.

I tried a Shunyata Hydra, and it did make a difference in that set up, once again due to the power grid conditions. I just liked something else better.

As far as power cords, I'm on record here many times as saying expensive/exotic cords of any kind are snake oil. Once you upgrade to a certain level, (arbitrary to be sure but I use Kimber Hero Connects, and Signal Cable power cords) above stock you should spend the money on equipment.

Power cords for $500+ ??? Really? I worked in the power industry for years building power plants, and I remember asking the system design engineers what they thought. They laughed heartily at the claims of better sound through the power cord. The question they had was always the same; doesn't the power just get to the transformer? Now that can effect the sound, but once it's powered, that's it. Just electrons.

Good luck, it sounds like you already have a very rare, and good power flow in your system.