Mapleshade Double Helix spker cable: Rating??

You rarely see the Mapleshade Double Helix speaker wire on sale on Audiogon. Need some feedback on their sound quality and how they rate with cables like Nordost Red Dawn LS; Analysis Plus Oval 9 Black; Silnote Reference.

I have read the "Plus" version which tacks on another $110.00 only provides marginal improvement. I don't want to order the cable in either version, and then return them. I live overseas and it's a hassle and expensive. For those who either own them, or tried them, is there any problem using the cable with a 6 ohm speaker, or a tube?? integrated. Thank you
I hear good things overall about the Mapleshade cables when it comes to SQ. That said, I've read a few posts where people have had some build quality issues. For me, that would be an issue.

Did you end up going with the Rogue? It looked like an excellent choice.
TO ZD542, Thanks for the comments. I have not purchased either the Rogue "Sphinx" or the CM. Only because of the trade in deal fell through as a result of adding shipping costs $200-$250 for shipping my gear to him and him shipping the Rogue. Rogue would not pay for shipping to Hawaii

However, there is a dealer in Corim (?) New York who is offering 20% off on all Rogue products to celebrate TAS naming the Sphinx integrated as one of their products of the year.

THE DEAL IS ONLY GOOD UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY I will try to get the name of the audio shop offering the deal

BTW, Mapleshade claims on their web that the Clear View cables can not be used with burn in CD devices without deteriorating the sound quality of the cables
Just my 2 cents. I'm a long time user of a pair of Golden Helix speaker cables. I've never found them to be restricted at the high end. In my system they are actually amazingly transparent and extended. The bass is also awesome in its quickness, definition and depth.

They are a bit forward sounding, with things like drum kits and electric guitars jumping out of the speakers unlike any of the many cables I've tried and own. In spectacular fashion actually. I play a few music cuts at times just to experience being enveloped by it (with the wife out of the house of course).