Sheffield Lab

if anyone's seriously into vinyl and doesn't have a gaggle of Sheffield recordings (direct to disc) go and get some. They're startling! Anyone else value their old Sheffield LPs as I do?

Most amazing Sheffield buy- I was in an FYE store a few years ago that had a small used LP section. All LPs were either $1 or $2. I wound up buying a bunch of records- spent about$20, including LAB-5, Discovered Again by Dave Grusin- it was $2. Coincidentally, My first Sheffield LP, back in the day, was LAB-5. So now I have 2 copies?
SBrown- without getting into the musical merits, the Moscow Sessions, as I recall, was not direct to disc.
I have just a couple of Sheffield Lab on vinyl and a few CDs. I also have a couple of Cheskey records that I enjoy very much. The one Cheskey Jazz album is toe tapping good plus has the largest soundstage of any record in my collection- even more than Fresh Aire III. I'm not at home right now and I cannot recall the title. I got it back in the 80s and I just pull it out and play it.
Wow: "...has the largest soundstage of any record in my collection...."

"....I agree that the Sheffields are wonderful."

"... Some of my best recordings are on Sheffield."

"...Sheffield put out some very, very good titles."

"....I agree that the Sheffields are wonderful."

Sigh. This is, after all, I have to remember, an audio forum. When I wonder why there are so many systems that don't sound anything like music I need to remember to visit this thread.
Sheffield, a main reason for jokes about 'phile recordings?

Come on...nothing could be more underwhelming than the work of Wilson in the day of poor taste or poorly performed music. I have a recording by VandenHul that explains the sound of his gear, no musical taste. The worst. There are many, many audiophile cds that are horrible performances or pure sugar sweet corny female vocals.

Most dyed in the wool audiophiles have bad musical taste. Go to shows. Go ahead. Shower me with hate mail.
Omsed: Ouch! Such generalizations are dangerous. Might as well just say that people who post on the internet are lonely computer geeks with no friends. It's just not true. I have friends. Well, I had a friend once...