Whest Titan phonostage

Anyone using this phono? What was your prior phono and why did you switch? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Thanks for the reply Cyclopse. May I ask what the rest of your gear looks like? Source/speakers? I just want to get a bearing as to what type of sound presentation you prefer. I run a Naim 500 series/LP12/Kudos Titan speakers.
Sorry just found there "system" link! You have a nice set-up. What is your music preference?
Looks like not many Whest phono stage users here?
Surprising as the company has a long history of producing excellent vfm components.
Anybody else with a Whest experience?
Thanks to all,
Everything really. A bit of classical, jazz, female vocals, pop through to dub.

I think it will compliment Naim very well, its fast and very transparent.