Jospeh Audio Pearl3 or Rockport Atria

I am looking for compact floorstanders. Recently heard the Rockport Avior ($30,000) at show, and was immensely impressed. They are too big for my room.
I will go hear the Atria ($20,000) which seems attractively priced, relatively of course, and more compact. Wondering if anyone has an opinion about Atria comparing to another similarly sized floorstander, the Joseph Pearl3?
Thanks for your thoughtful words Hevac, and yes let's get back to helping the OP.
There is no way they move more air. These are 2 X 8” vs. 2 X 10”. Rockport calls it 9” but it is basically an 8” driver with less excursion then the Magico 10”. It is the port you are hearing. You may like that sound, but don’t fool yourself into thinking you are moving more air. The S5 will also go lower and will play louder and cleaner. It is also more efficient.
Well ... I guess this particular group has no moderator. This kind of crap thread derailement gets through when I ask perfectly reasonable questions on other AG forums and never see my post again!

As for the original question - keep auditioning, that's the only way you can really make a personal decision. Audition in your room if you can find a dealer who will let you, or buy used at a discount and be reasonably assured of a fair resale value if you don't like what you hear.