Audible Illusions Modulus 3 Audio Research SP-11

Hello folks out there,

I have heard many consider the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 as their reference piece against the Audio Research Sp-11 or Sp-15.

Does anyone own both of these preamps and can tell me if the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 is really that good?
I have heard it almost beats any top preamp out there.

... and I no longer can't.

I have a small system and was looking for an affordable piece close to the top of AR.
If you like sound of the CJ, I don't think you'll like the AI. I did direct comparisons with the CJ Premier 14 (and 17) which were both very dark in comparison to AI 3A. The AI doesn't have that classic tube preamp coloration. It's neutral to perhaps a bit bright in the upper spectrum. I don't know the rest of your gear sorry....

Georgelofi makes a passive called the Lightspeed that a lot of folks like so maybe he can help you out... It's very afordable as well.

F-ing auto correct. That was "opps" not Oppo (which makes nice Bluray players...)
Great thread. Wondering if comparing the AIM3A with ARC SP-16 might be a better match price wise. I own both in different systems. Both very good for the money. Better certainly can be had but at a price. I've never heard an SP-11 but would love to. Got both of my preamps used so they were just barely affordable for me. I also have a Counterpoint SA-1000 that I think is really good for the money. The Counterpoint and ARC are much easier to tube roll with. Not so with AI. I use the EH 6922's and have not had any problems. I would not advise NOS. I stupidly burned through some NOS Telefunken 6922's in about a month!!!! I've had the AI for 15 years, Counterpoint for 17 years and the ARC about 5 years. No problems with either.