do i change the preamp or the speakers?

I recently acquired a set of Odyssey Stratos Monoblocs (w/ upgreaded cap) which i run through an Audible Illusions 2d with new tubes from AI. This set drives my Kef 104.2's. i use some streaming through an Adcom DAC but mostly i listen to vinyl on my Thorens TD 160 with Shure cart.

Before the Stratos arrived i was driving this Kef's with an older Bryston 3B and it was nice.

The Stratos betters the bryston in all ways but the Bryston was "brighter" and suited my listening tastes better when using the Kef's. This new combination is too warm for me. In fact i find the combo of the Stratos and AI sound better driving my IQ TED 400's which are a brighter speaker. I have also substituted my old NAD 1155 solid state preamp which is not the same class as the AI but the slighter brighter nature and the ability to adjust he tone and loudness for lower listening levels has me switching back and fort between the two preamps.

So the question i have is this. Do i change the speakers or do i shop for a replacement preamp.

if it matters, i am a fan of rock music.
Maybe its just me, but I am confused. You were enjoying the sound of your system, and then you inserted some new amps that sounded better than your old amp in every way, except for the fact that you no longer like the sound of your system, it is now too warm. And you want to know whether the preamp or speakers are too blame?

What am I missing here? It seems to me that you prefer the sound of the Bryston amp. I am not a fan of Bryston amps, as they are too bright sounding for me, but you claim that you enjoy that kind of sound. It seems to me that the simple fix is to sell the Odyssey Stratos monoblocks and going back to the Bryston amp.

Generally, when I insert a new component into my system, if I have a negative feeling over the overall performance of my system, I remove the new component. I don't start to guess what I should change next to help the new offending component fit in better.

Lowrider - i totally agree about the ability to change tubes to accomodate. In fact thats why i bought the AI... however, i just want to get it dialed-in and sit and enjoy. Question. The AI has a built-in Stand-by mode. Does that count as burn in time?

Al - i have the Shure N91ED. it was delivered with a new Jico SAS stylus and another. Unfortunately i don't know which is the new Jico... and unfortunately i left my turntable on one Fri eve until Monday am such that the needle created a bunch of vinyl dust from going round and round for so long... and i think that was the new yellow body JICO... what a rookie i am
How do you tell when your stylus is done?
the Stratos is still better but i want it to provide the same brighter characteristics of the byrston as well.

also, is there such a thing as an "in line" loudness switch... i really miss that option which is offered on my lower fi NAD preamp.

i know its about musical purity, but it nice to be able to compensate for the equip and room with a dial.
Fivefasts, I don't believe there is any plate voltage in the tubes during standby, so the preamp must be powered-up for the tubes to generate current and burn-in. And, it doesn't need to be playing any music so the amps can be turned off.
Anybody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

the Bryston 3B is a power amp and a fine one at that. If you are looking for a new pre-amp then the Bryston Sp-1, Sp-2 or Sp-3 will make a nice match.
Remember, a pre-amp is the heart of any system, select it w/ care. Keep us posted. Happy Labor Day!