High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?

This is a spin off from a meeting held by audio designers where the primary discussion was about high-end audio and how to get the younger generation interested & involved in high-end audio. One of the speakers mentioned that his son was not the least bit interested in his rig and if something was to happen to him, his son stated it all would be put up for sale on Ebay.

I thought it would be interesting to put this discussion forth to this audio community and to get opinions on the above subject. Are audiophiles a dying breed and what could rekindle this hobby for all new generations.
Listening to music used to be a communal event years ago. A bunch of friends get together, put on an album and then sit there to enjoy it. In this day and age of personal audio, sharing the emotional impact of the music you listen to is next to impossible when wearing a pair Beats headphones. On top of that, the thought of sitting still to do anything today is frowned upon by most. If your not constantly in motion then your considered lazy and not serious. The culture has changed and good sound is more readily available without spending $20k for an amplifier. High end audio has its place but that place is shrinking by the day...
Kids are distracted by so many things. Give them time and they'll figure out what they're missing.

It took a little while for me, but that ended when I heard my first live jazz show at an excellent intimate venue. While kids may not be interested in jazz much, they'd likely be thrilled by an excellent live show at an intimate dinner n jazz club. It's hard (even for kids) to ignore great sound if the food is good and the talent is amazing. Puts em in their place, if only for a fleeting moment or two.
That's true if they can afford it! In this age of student loan debt etc, some won't even be able to afford a home or decent apartment until they're 50 by which time I don't Know how important having a state of the art sound system will be!? I hope I'm wrong but that looks to me to be the way things are trending... Sad
That's true if they can afford it! In this age of student loan debt etc, some won't even be able to afford a home or decent apartment until they're 50 by which time I don't Know how important having a state of the art sound system will be!? I hope I'm wrong but that looks to me to be the way things are trending... Sad
We just mastered an LP for a local band and I don't think anyone in the band was over 25. They wanted to hear the test pressing on our system and while their recording was not particularly impressive recording-wise, they were stunned by the increase in detail and bandwidth that a high end system brought to it.

They now know (and clearly suspected prior to this listening session, or they would not have asked for it) what a good system does and why its valuable to have one. They made that very clear.