Wilson Alexia vs Raidho D3

Has anyone compared these two speakers head-to-head?
Audiooracle, Please list that you are a dealer when replying and in this case what a wonder that you would rather ...
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I've had two Vivid dealers talk me OUT of Vivid speakers.
Dealers usually carry products they believe in and their job is to convince customers to buy them. It's your fault to allow them to persuade you ... Bottom line is, Trust YOUR ears.
For Mbovaird,

Could you please tell us what were the concerns the 2 dealers had about the Vivid speakers?
The difference between theRaidho D3 and the vivid's will be a matter of taste. It will almost like choosing between solid state and tube. You probably should decide what kind of sound and music you listen to. If you like classical, operal, female vocals and want it intimate, then tend towards the vivid. If you like lots of different kinds of music, tend towards detail, depth (more technical listener), then the D3. The choices are actually hard at this level and never wrong.
The one dealer said, "the Vivid's are bright-boom-bright-boom". After an hour of listening that's all you hear.