No more big power supplies for preamps

What does the job now?
Sure, if you insist ;-)

26 Preamp

The rectifier tube is a 5Y3G, the preamp section uses balloon 26 and 0A3 and 0D3 gas voltage regulator tubes. The "output transformers" are Bent/Slagle autoformers in parafeed, so they do double duty as volume controls on the output. Remote control of volume and balance are nice as they let me lock in the perfect levels from my listening position.
And here's a link to my latest project, still in progress...

200WPC SET Amplifier

2300VDC B+ supply...woohoo!

2300VDC B+?!?! Certainly one of thos "keep one hand behind your back" situations when working with these. Impressive yet DEADLY. What kind of current are you dealing with.

And I thought 1000VDC+ for 805/845 type tubes was crazy.
"...A "half full" chassis..."

A half full power supply chassis can still mean a proper circuit. Maybe the designer didn't want the power supply in the same chassis as the main circuit and/or simply did not have enough room in a single chassis for both circuits.
Ait, you are da man! Very impressive preamp and that power amp is over the top! I will follow your progress. You are certainly very good at this. Impressive to say the least.