Oldest piece of gear you own

I will start - Pass Aleph Ono, vintage about 1997 or so, followed closely by an LP12, ca 1998. Speakers and tuner both are from 2000. Newest gear is a cd spinner, Simaudio, ca 2011.
In my garage system, I have a pair of KLH Model 6 speakers from 1959 that still sound great.
Hafler 220 amp from 1984. Not being used at the moment, but still works great. Dahlquist DQM 9 speakers, still used on a regular basis in a system at home. 1985 I think. (New woofer surrounds about 10 yrs ago)
Ebm's response would apply to me as well if the gear were still in use. Well, at least I think my stereo loves me.
Radio Engineering Laboratories (REL) Precedent FM Tuner, from 1954. (No relation to the British subwoofer manufacturer REL).

Designed by former associates of Edwin Armstrong (inventor of both FM and the superheterodyne principle upon which nearly all tuners and radios are based).

Mono in itself, but it provides a multiplex output signal that is decoded into stereo by an external multiplex adapter (I use an H. H. Scott LM35).

Mine is the equal of two Marantz 10B's I have owned in terms of weak signal reception, and tops both of them in sound quality.

Considered to be a classic, and deservedly so.

-- Al