Bi amping question

Ok, so I have never bi amped. I have always had a dual mono ss b&k. I have recently bought a set of gallo 3.5. They are not bi wired like my old vandersteens, so I am wondering how to amp them.
I was considering having the b&k modified, but I really love tubes so I am leaning towards tubed monos. The problem is cost.
After buying the gallos, I don't have another 3-4k to sink into mono amps. I was considering a jolida 502p or prima Luna prologue 6 monos. Leaning heavily towards the jolida bc at 1k I could buy one now and a second later as They are bridgeable.
But it got me thinking. Without biwireable speakers, can two stereo amps be used? Can you run biwire from the left and right outputs of a stereo amp into a single speaker input such as is found on the gallo?
If this doesn't cause an issue, is there any benefit? Being able to do this would open up the possibility of a whole host of good tube amps that could be purchased one at a time to provide the power and separation I am looking for.
I am sold on monos as I have heard the difference in soundstage and imaging in my system when going from a stereo amp to dual mono.

Thanks. This may be a newbie question but I appreciate everyone's input.

Audible illusions modulus pre, Cary cdp, gallo reference, and b&k amp.
What causes the amp to blow if an RCA splitter is used at the pre amp sending two left signals to one amp and two right signals to the other.
To the extent that the characteristics of the signals that the two paralleled amp channels are "trying" to put out are not absolutely identical, each output will be forced to drive a "signal" corresponding to that difference into a load impedance equal to the output impedance of the other channel.

In the case of nearly all solid state amplifiers that output impedance will be near zero, i.e., a tiny fraction of one ohm. The result MIGHT be ok initially, depending on component tolerances and other design characteristics, but as components age and burn in the differences between the gains and other performance parameters of the two channels will change, at least a little. And if for any reason the output stage of one channel were to ever not receive a signal, such as because of some minor fault in upstream circuitry in the amp, the other channel would wind up driving a full amplitude signal into the near zero output impedance of the failed channel, which essentially amounts to driving a dead short.

In the case of tube amps, since their output impedances are typically in the area of one or two or several ohms it might be somewhat within reason to parallel the outputs of the two channels. And in fact I believe that is sometimes done. But consider this scenario: A small signal tube serving one channel of the amp fails, at some point in the future. You start playing music. One channel is trying to put many volts and watts into the speaker, while the other channel (with the dead tube) is trying to force the speaker's input to zero volts. The outputs of the two channels are, of course, connected directly together through the speaker cables. As in the case I described of a failure in upstream circuitry within a solid state amp, ouch!

The bottom line: Don't do it, as the others have said.

-- Al
rest assured that i will not attempt to connect two stereo amps in parallel. thanks for the explanation. it makes perfect sense once explained. back to the search for suitable mono blocks...
LOL It's possible, only ONE AT A TIME in case if you plan to keep B&K :-).
Otherwise previous posters are damn right!