TAD CR-1 ?

Please tell me your opinion if you've heard them. Have you owned them and moved on? Do you have them now? What amp/preamp are you using? What speaker are you considering to replace them?
Joe, don't mean to derail, but I'm seriously considering getting the CR-1's -- are there things you don't like about them? I have a 12x15 room, with a Chord 1050 amp, and not exotic cabling... I haven't read a bad word about them, so I 'd be grateful to hear some real word critiques about them if you have any...

Sorry again to reply off-topic,

The only bad thing I can say is that they are revealing of poor quality recordings. Good/great recordings are amazing. I personally prefer them with some tube gear. They may not have the height to the sound stage that some other speakers have, but sound stage width and depth is impressive. When they are set up properly, and it's not difficult, voices and instruments lock right in - right there in front of you. They act more like full size speakers that happen to be on stands. Just when I think I want to replace them, I find something else to love. I could find different but I don't think I could find better. That's why I am torn and asking for some advice.
I was also attracted to the CR-1's and have wondered how they stack up to something like the Magico Q3. I hear the Magicos are "more forgiving" but
I hear people sat a lot of things. ;-). Wish I knew someone with a pair in the St. Louis area.