Meadowlark Kestrel II vs. Soliloquy 6.2

I'd like to duplicate the live music experience with a two-way speaker. My goal is to miraculously have Coltrane, Miles, Jimi, Stevie Ray, etc. perform in my living room. This speaker also must have a high "WAF" (Wife Acceptance Factor).

I'm very interested in the Meadowlark philosophy regarding time and phase coherency and the use of 1st order crossovers, reproducing the original wave form as the music was recorded. How will these two speakers compare? Is the apparent smaller "sweet spot" of time/phase coherent speakers significant?

My system: Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CD Player w/upsampler
Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamp
Quicksilver Minimite Monos
Klipsch Heresys

My room: 20'x14'x8'

I listen to a variety of music including Jazz, Classic Rock, and Classical so this speaker needs to be versatile. I don't need to shake the walls with thunderous bass but I like to crank it up once in a while.

Any other suggestions for two-way speakers in the 2k range would be appreciated.

Hi Mootsdude,

I have Klipsch Forte's and like the Heresys they can be bright. I used the MiniMax in my system which consists of:

NAD c541i cdp
deHavilland UltraVerve
Art Audio Carissa

With the MiniMax in the system it sounded good but it was on the bright side of things (this with NOS tubes BTW). When I put the UV in, my system went to a whole new level in every way. The soundstage exploded, the frequency extremes are more extended and smoother and the mids are wonderful. See my review for more details. I believe the MninMax is a great pre for the money but I was amazed at the differences between it and the UV.

I just thought I would mention this. A change somewhere else may make you fall in love with the Heresys all over again. As you said, like my Forte's, the Heresys will let you know everything you do in front of them. Good luck.


If you like the transparency of the Klipsch, one way to take the brightness out of your system is to add bass, which is exactly what you will be doing by going to a larger, fuller range speaker. If you could try the 'Honey, I blew up the Heresy's' tact, and end up with some Cornwalls, you could be really happy for all of the music you like. You just have to ask your wife if she wants to be remembered as a Louis Kahn/Phillip Johnson type, or just your run of the mill shopping mall designer. Dig deep, and push her to expand the limits of her aesthetic. OK, maybe don't push too hard.

Alternatively, what about adding a powered sub to your current system? We are doing that with our La Scala's, which only reach down to around 50Hz. I can take any brightness out of them by adding the bass that currently is not there.

Definitely go for the dedicated power lines. Can't do it here, unfortunately, as we're renters.

Also, are you using KT88's in your amps? Not quite as open in the midrange, but on those Mini Mites (I've owned a pair myself), they are extremely musical, as well as providing a rounded, full bottom end. Very Oprah-like, we might say.

Love those Moots bikes. I think they are building the Hampsten Ti bikes, no? I think that Andy's brother Steve builds them. I 'ran into' Andy in Italy, as we were both cycling out of San Gimignano in 2001, when my wife and I were living there. What a nice guy!

All the best,

I'll take your advice and start working on my wife with a bit of finesse. Somewhere between the shoulder massage and the foot rub I'll get her to agree to my ways with her signature scribbled on the binding agreement. Hehehehe.

I'm beginning to lean towards dedicated power lines before the speaker upgrade. This may make more sense since I don't foresee moving anytime soon.

Andy Hampsten is a legend in US cycling - a real class act. He has employed Moots to build his Ti road frames. I believe Kent Erickson (Moots founder) is the builder - a genius in his own right.

Regards, Mike
Central NJ, right? NOT Colorado. Just read your response to the 'Who R U?' thread.
All the best,
I just got rid of a pair of 6.2's. Nice speakers but I felt something was always wrong. I felt I was battling them! Trying to correct the problems, I changed my whole system! Wife friendly, I don't know but my GF did not like the sound or the placment of them(must be placed well into a room). No bass at all, with rock or any marginally poor recordings they just sound plain bad. The midrange has that sweet reach out and touch you sound, but after that is were the trouble with the treble starts. Soliloquy's to my ears need dark sounding components and good copper cables to smooth out the lower trebles abnormalities. Tired of the fight I sold them. Found a little Audiogon secret, Tyler Acoustics. All you read about the company and the speakers is true. Night and day difference in sound of the 6.2's and my Taylo Ref 1's. No more fighting to get the right sound, I've found my last speaker company!