Snell Type CV comments?

Anyone have any info other then whats on the website about these speakers? I have a chance to get them and want to make sure they are worth it.Thanks !
I had them for a couple of years. I can characterize them quickly: Boomy bass, a beautifully sweet and clear midrange, rolled-off highs. Not a bad speaker by any means, but there are better out there.
hi...i have them for about four years now....had the upgrade bug once but couldnt find anything in the same price range that sounded close.pull them away from the back wall abit and should not sound boomy.mine are paired with a Bryston 4bst and bi-wired with audioquest caldera speaker very happy .
Rayhall, bypass the fuse and attenuator knob on the rear. Install a (1) ohm resistor in that position. The CV is one of the most neutral and transparent speakers you may ever hear. Put some poly stuffing in the subwoofer section and experiment with reducing port size, to rid boomy bass. Read the reviews on Audioreview. These are neutral speakers. If anything, they are a bit light in the bass. I could never listen to them though thru that fuse/attenuator. Even Snell gives their approval to bypass the attenuator. The fuse though, I would do only if you have an amp that will not clip. These are 8 ohm speakers and only a POS amp would clip on them. So to Flognam, I say to buy them. In todays high-end arena. you would have to move upto a Revel at 6-9k to beat the CV.