sonus faber, vienna acoustics, proac

Hello everyone,

Currently I am using PMC FB1 and wondering if the following speakers would do a better job overall,

1.Sonus Faber Grand Piano ( or Grand Piano Home)
2.Vienna Acoustics Mozart ( or Beethoven)
3.ProAc Response D15 ( or Response 2.5)

I listen to classical music mostly, and I like neutral, smooth, non-fatigueing sound. Please don't hesitate to post your opinion. All advice welcome. Thanks.
Third the Sonus Fabers. The older Concertos are more musical than the HOMES. However, I have heard the PMC's, both the TB2 and LB1 with Bryston electronics. They are sonically accurate, clean and musical as well. Moving from the FB1's to the GP's may just give you the sound you're looking for.

Cannot comment on the other 2 speakers that you've listed as I haven't heard of them.
I just replaced Vienna Strauss with D25 apart from some deep bass the Proac's smoke the Vienna's IMO
I JUST HEARD THE GRAND PIANOS AND THE CERMONA HOMMAGE THIS WEEK-END SOMEONE WAS LOOKING TO BUY THE GRAND PIANOS SO I JUST HAPPENED TO BE IN THE ROOM, LISTEN TO IT ABOUT 45 MINUTEs. Then the stand mounted cremonas were set up no comparsion the guy bought the cremonas. I don't know your budget but you should listen to the cremonas
I would anyday go for the Proac D15, this is mainly due for my bias for Proac speakers, but not fully. I believe the the d15's are better engineered and built, yes built better than even a sonus faber product. I have a pair and I can say that the veneer work on my speakers( i have a d38 also) rivals anything I have seen by any manufacturer, and the assemblu otherwise is top-notch, pure high quality british product. The down port design and the LF extension of these speaker work very well in small rooms, I have mine driven in my 11*13 bedroom by a 30wpc Linn Classik and it yeilds impressive results. But if you want the best, go for the new d25, i heard a pair and think that they might be the best sub-6000$ speaker ever! Frankly, you wont go terribly wrong with any of these speakers they are all wonderful, but in my opinion the proac edges ahead!