Best speaker sytem for Linn majik+mimik setup?

Hello, I just purchased a Linn majik 33w int and a Linn mimik cdp and I am wondering what speakers would sound good with them. I have a budget of $1000.00 (used on Agon) and listen to mostly rock/jazz. I also plan on upgrading to a lk-85 or lk-140 in the near future. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

There's a pair of Katans on A'Gon right now for $600. I think they are in active mode. Linn speakers would be the obvious match.
I'm using a pair of Castle Richmonds with my Majik. They're a real decent match. Not much bass as you would expect from a small monitor. Beyond that they are real clean and open sounding.
I use a Majik with 2xLK85 and Keilidh [aktiv]. I enjoy this system very much. I would also recommend Tukans.