2wq filters: what do you recommend?

hello all,

just hooked up my new pair of 2wq's sunday and am thoroughly impressed by the improvement. overall clarity, soundstage width and depth, and of course bass extension. trying to figure out which way to go with the fixed filter, x-2, homemade, 5a. i'm not familiar with the 5a filter so if somone could explain them to me i would be grateful. any comparisons between the different filters would also be nice. what caps would you recommend if i go homemade? thanks for your time and info.

aloha keith
Ag insider logo xs@2xatagi

thanks again. so they hook to the amp the same as the x-2, with 1 set of interconnects? i would appreciate you e-mailing me a photo if it's not too much trouble. my email is kitosanx@hotmail.com going to call my dealer to seek for further input. upon doing another search here it seems like this is the way to go as bigtee and several others have commented that the 5 xover is very good.

aloha keith
I sent you an e-mail with two attachments.

If you have the cash handy buy the used ones NOW. You can't go wrong. You can always get your money out of them and they don't show up often.

If you have read much of what Bigtee or I have written on the topic you know that this filter is critical to the sound of your system. Everything passes through it! The X-2 as I said before sucks for any system that you desire the ultimate in clarity or resolution. They might be ok with an inexpensive home theater set up.
Atagi, I tried doing your formula but could not come up with the same answer as .3975. Could you show us mathematically challenged folks the equation with all the decimals in place. Better yet I have the 2wqs also with 31k impedance at 80hz what caps would I need?
Dolfan, for a 31K input with a high pass of 80.14Hz you would need cap value of .064uf.
I know I sound like a moron...but can somebody tell me exactly how to build the homemade X-2. I understand I need a cap value of .04uf for each crossover. But once I have a set of RCA plugs...what do I solder where??

If somebody could step me through this....great. Also, if somebody wants to build me a decent set, I'll certainly pay your price!!! (within reason :-))
