Loreena McKennitt and Eva Cassidy

My fellow audiophools, twas you guys that turned me on to these guys. I just finished listening to The Book of Secrets and Cassidy's Live at Blues Alley. Wow! Where do I go from here with these guys? Which albums of theirs' next? Thanks in advance. warren
One of you guys recommended Kim Richey's, Glimmer. It's a real good one. I'm loving it. Thanks, warren
The Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue, Modern Cool and Jennifer Warnes's The Hunter are simply gorgeous recordings. I wish, all female vocals, (in fact any vocals, recordings) were made with this care and pristine quality. On a recommendation I purchased Karla Bonoff (haven't listened yet). Will let you know the scoop there. It's a crying shame. I love Lucinda Williams. No great voice, but unique, rough, sexy and she writes great lyrics. Problem: her recordings are just not up to it. They're good, especially instrumentally. That's it. I get by, but after listening to the quality of the Barber, Warnes, Cassidy and McKennitt ones, I only wish Essence, and the like could be of that same quality. Why oh why can't they get a female voice recorded properly? Miking? I guess (it's been said before) recording labels are dealing with the main stream populous: boom boxes that love compressed sound. Anyway, thanks for your recommendations. Got more? Put 'em out there. peace, warren
Karla Bonoff: anybody want a used CD? Not happening, for me. Voice and material NG. More tips always aprreciated. peace, warren