Thiel 7.2 or Revel Studios

I like the sound of both speakers and just wanted some feedback as to which speakers others prefer (having owned one of the two or currently do to give your imput. The amp I have is a Krell 600c.
At that price range I'd bypass both of those selections and buy a pair of C3's by Green Mountain Audio. From the people I've talked to who own them, there's nothing under $20k that can touch'em.

I did a lengthy demo with Krell 350's and Thiel CS6's. I now own a pair of CS6's and I am powering with McIntosh 1201's. On robust classical the sound is pure amazement. I don't want to enter my personal issues into your thread but if you have a preference to rock music I would rethink about purchasing Thiels, just my opinion and I apologize to any offended Thiel fans. I can't offer any input on the Revel's.
"Revel is junk compared to Thiel."

Now, wasn't that a stupid thing to say!