Best Monitor speaker - low volume level listening

I am looking for a monitor speaker that excels at low volume levels. Suggestions?
I'll say it, EUROPA's!! Bring it on...:>)

Yes, they have very good low level resolution.

JM Labs Micro Utopia BE's! Detractors can say whatever they want, but these transducers are some of the finest, if not the finest mini-monitors extant! Once you've heard what those Beryllium tweeters can do, you're going to be hooked and all other speakers will sound bland and lifeless in comparison! Ensure you listen to a fully broken-in pair mounted on sturdy stands. One British reviewer aptly described them as "Pocket Electrostatics"! Glorious mids and sparkling highs that extend forever! A low level listening, they are top notched! Dude, you just have to listen for yourself. Disclaimer: I have not heard the Caravelles. I saw a picture of them though, yeeechh! For your info, I settled on the BE's after hearing a few contenders: B&W N805's; N805 Signatures; Reference 3A MM Da capo i, Spendors, SF Cremona Auditors, etc..
"I settled on the BE's after hearing a few contenders: Spendors"


I've got an audition set up for the Spendors on Thursday, along with offerings from Quad. I'll see if I can find a local JM Labs dealer to check out the mini Utopias.
John, is running a special, you can get a pair of Ref 1's, normally priced at $1500, and their new tube integrated for $2k. These are amazing speakers, well worth looking into in my opinion (of course, you can't demo them in any retail shops so you'd probably have to use to find someone near you who had them).

here's the thread at av123

and here are the Ref 1's in my system (with your old PT gear):
