Kharma, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs I'm confussed????

I currently have the JM lab Micros (non BE). I'm driving them with a YBA passion integrated at 100w/ch. My room size is about 16x14x12. I'm thinking about upgrading to a full size speaker vs the monitors. I'm currently running my system with a REL Storm sub. It does fill in the bottom well, but it doesn't have the full range sound. I want to spend under 10k. my thought was used wilson's, or JM lab mezzos, or one of the Kharmas. i'd be anxious to hear some advice?
Kharma, Kharma, Kharma, once you hear them you are stuck. I am on my second pair.

Like the post above once you hear them the only thing better is the more expensive one. Thorman said it quite well!

I don't know what planet you are coming from, but i can assure you that my Kharma Grand Ceramique Midis are a precious comodity. These speakers blew my previous, the outstanding Egglestonworks Andra II, straight out of my rig. I could respect you objecting a certain aspect of these speakers performance, but to indiscriminately state that they suck simply shows me that you are catastrophically biased by your own personal agenda. Simply put, you piss me off!
Apointer4, you have been had. The great Fmpnd, (Frank) has one of the most unique Kharma's in the world. I wish I had the pair he has now.

See Frank, look what you started! LOL!

Aponter, you're a funny guy. I had such a great laugh seeing how you missed both the smiley at the end of Fmpnd's post (or maybe you didnt' understand what a smiley is), and also his system--linked right after his name, with Kharma speakers as the VERY FIRST item in it.