Monitor Audio GR60 vs B&W

I am looking to upgrade my speakers pretty soon. I have honed in on the Monitor Audio GR60 and B&W 804, 803, or 704. I have heard the GR60's which seem comparable to the B&W 704 but I have not heard 803's yet. Anyone have experience with the MA's or 803's? I will also likely get the matching center and surrounds at the same time. The application is 70% music/30% HT, Sunfire Ultimate Receiver. Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated.
Depends on your taste, but IMO, that is WAY overkill. Very little comes out of the rear speakers in most movies and the ones that have all the stuff coming out of the rear speakers, only have it coming out every once
in awhile -- and the ones that REALLY use the rear speakers -- Star Wars, etc -- are not the type I watch that often, but even then -- GR 60's
for the rear are more than is necessary, IMO. Get some GR 10's for the
rear -- that's plenty. Whether you subscribe to the notion that you should use a center channel speaker or a full range speaker for your center is up to you -- BUT -- here, I can see the benefit of the higher
quality speaker because almost everything comes out of the center channel during a movie. If you are getting surround for music -- then
that changes everything and then you MAY want to think about full range
speakers in the rear, but I still wouldn't do that. Use the money elsewhere. Like on a Sub-woofer. Bi-wiring doesn't really make that much difference, but make sure you make some nice jumpers -- don't use the cheap things that come with the speakers. Bi-amping is a different story, but I am going to bet you don't want to get into that -- and it is really not necessary in order to get those speakers sounding good.

5.1 SACD's are designed to have all (except the .1) the speakers to be the same.
I expect to be listening to a lot of 5.1 SACD, and I think that is the rationale for the 5 GR60's, but I don't have either the budget nor the space to really consider that as an option.
I use my 5.1 system for movies only. When I listen to SACD, I use two channels. Every 5.1 SACD also has a two channel layer. So, unless you are sold on 5.1 for music listening, there is no reason that you *have* to
have a 5.1 system for SACD. If you want to get your feet wet in 5.1 for
music and home theatre -- get the GR10's for your rear channel. You will be fine.

I thought I might have something to offer here. My HT setup speaker-wise, utilizes MA Silver s10's for the mains, S2's for the rears and Silver LCR for center. It's great for movies and multi-channel. Bruno at Kevro International (MA distributor) is a very friendly and helpful guy if you have any questions. I was considering GR 10's at one point, and although they possess better crossovers and slightly better drivers, he admitted in several blind tests that 98% of serious listeners could not discern differences btween the S2 and GR10. If it was me, and I wasn't concentraing on 2 channel but rather multi-channel music and movies, I'd go with (3) Silver S10's up front with Silver S8's for the rears.

Good luck!
