Nautilus 800 Vs Wilson Audio VI Vs LM Labs Utopia

I currently own B & W Nautilus 803's and wanting a change to get very high end speakers and I am willing to spend $10K for used/demo. I am considering the Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 6.0, JM Labs Utopias and B&W nautilus 800s. What do you guys think of these three? I like Rock , Jazz and some light classical music. I havd not decided on the amplifier yet but input on "speaker + amplifier" combination for each of the speakers would be greatly appreciated.
Although I do not sell any of the speakers you mention, I have to say I recommend you go with the Wilson WP6's.

All of the speakers you mention require quite a bit of power to really make them sing.

I would also suggest you delve a bit into other speakers that are not so mainstream.
I prefer the W/P 6's over the other 2. They are a steal right now on the used market. Add a Wilson Watch Dog and you will be in audio heaven. A updated Watch Dog is coming soon.
Is there a reason you have not listed any planars in your considerations? Given your musical tastes, Maggies, Martin Logans, Innersound and Sound Lab all offer solutions which might suit your tastes.
The Wilson WP6s are relatively efficient and can play pretty loud without any apparent strain. They have a characteristic sound with a slightly hot high end and a slightly heavy low- to mid-bass. For rock, this all works out well (at least to my taste) for obvious reasons. For jazz, the speakers scale up to drum hits effortlessly, cymbals really shimmer, trumpets bight, and plucked bass notes are thick and chocolatey. For light classical, I don't really know, but I would guess that it wouldn't work out as well. See if you can get a good demo session; you really ought to hear these speakers for yourself. Good luck.