Met Richard Vandersteen today

I was invited to hear Mr. Vandersteen today at a dealers home. I also got to hear his many excellent spkrs. Richard I must say is a down to earth gentleman. He does not talk above you although I'm sure he can. He explained how he got started and what he did to improve his design. He also mentioned that there are only five spkrs that are time aligned. Can you name them? Anyway most of the gear was AR and I also got to hear a 275.00 sony sacd player. All said I was most pleased with the session and would recommed you go to listen to Richard when he gets to your town. (He was in Charlotte NC)
I have met Mr. Vandersteen many years ago, a straight shooter and a gentleman. How ever I do believe there are more than 5 time aligned speakers.
Richard Vandersteen makes wonderful speakers. You were lucky to have this opportunity.

To the list, I would add ACI/Dzurko, Eggleston, Legend, Meadowlark, Sequerra, and Wilson. Several Acarian, B & W, JMlabs, and Tannoy models are also time aligned. The Joseph Pearls are. The Sony ES SS line is. Myriad European mini monitors are time aligned.

In the past, are my Coincident Digital Masters(one reason they are no longer in production being it costs more/takes more time to produce a cabinet). Also in the past were some Frieds, Iris, JSE, and Near.

I am sure I can come up with more, but off the top of my head...
The Wilsons, Egglestons, and most listed above are not time
aligned. Pretty sure the JM Labs are not either.
RV is probably correct, although he would argue
than time alignment is a necessary but not sufficient condition to good sound. My guesses are Dunlavy, Quad,
Thiel, Vandersteen, and ?
Thanks to all who replied. As to the answers Richard gave: Spica, Meadowlark Audio, Dunlavy,Thiel, and I think he mentioned Quad. He also said of the Spica that it is the TC-50 not the 60 that is time aligned. Truly a nice afternoon.