Looking for speaker to match with pass lab aleph3

I presently own the pass lab aleph 3 bought them recently after reading Stereophile's review. Its a wonderful amp but it don't have enough power to drive my current speaker (Sonus Faber Concertino). I'm looking for a similar sound, listen to mostly vocal jazz. I'm now particularly interested In B&W Nautilus 805 (88dB/W/m) and Zingali Overture 1Bs (89dB/W/m) or perhaps any other models that are better match, that you would recommend. I would greatly appreciate responses from people especially from those who may have heard them first hand or someone with an experienced opinion.

Thanks in advance for responding,
I had an Aleph 3 driving a pair of Proac 1SC's. The Proacs are good imaging minimonitors with a very smooth midrange response and a slightly hot treble. They seem to mate well with the Aleph 3's, which are liquid and tube-like in the midrange and don't overemphasize the treble. The Proacs don't go down to the lowest octaves; they're good to the mid-bass, but not the low bass. You could live without the low bass if that's your preference. I had a self-powered Sunfire True Sub Mk II filling out the low end.

I later swapped the Proacs out for Red Rose R3's. Relative to the Proac 1SC's, the R3's are a little soft in the midrange, more delicate and extended in the treble, and go deeper in the bass. I've kept the subwoofer in the system, turning the crossover to a lower frequency, but you could more easily live without a subwoofer if you have the R3's. If you really like feathery highs, the R3's would be terrific choices.

Red Rose has replaced the R3's with the Rosebuds, which cost a little less. (Actually, R3's may still be available.) I haven't heard the Rosebuds, but I would guess that it might do a better job than the R3's on the midrange but not go quite as deep on the bass. Good luck.
I have an Aleph 4 (100w/ch). I realize that its more power, but when I had Revel Gems, I didn't need anywhere near that much, making me think the Gems would be fine with the Apleh 3. The Gems are a very detailed neutral speaker.
I had the Aleph 3 with both Meadowlark Kestrels and Dunlavy SC4s. That is a great amp, I upgraded to the Aleph 2s, at 100 watts it is not much more power than the 3. I actually thought the 3 sounded better in most ways than the 2s, except in the bass. I could get pretty loud with the Dunlavys and the Meadowlarks. If you aren't looking to spend a lot of money the Meadowlarks are a great speaker to choose.
Quads (57 and 63 variants) work well with the Pass Aleph 3 and 5, in my experience.