good, small speakers

hi folks,

i'm currently looking to replace my ages-old spica sc's. my problem is that i live in a tiny nyc studio, so i need small speakers that aren't so fussy about placement. my current hardware is a linn classik (again, space is serious consideration -- did i mention "tiny studio?").

i loved the old pyramid met 7's; does anyone have experience with the new met 7.7 mk v's? how about the linn katans (the top end of size considerations) or kans? any other suggestions for small speakers which'll work well with the classik? price isn't as much of a consideration as size and forgiving limited placement options.


I enjoyed listening to the Linn Katans during an audition, but they did seem to have an odd tonality. However, I think they would work really well with your Linn amp.

How about the Dynaudio Audience 42? They shoud be small enough. These speakers have a completely different tonal quality than the Linns, but I enjoyed these as well during an audition. Both the Linns and the Dyn's had good bass response for a small speaker.

The Alon Petite is an outstanding speaker that is no longer available new. It has the best imaging and natural tonality of any small speaker I have heard. My father has a pair split on either side of a Steinway Grand and they still manage to image well and sound great. The Alon Petite lacks the bass of the Linn and the Dyn.

See if you could arrange an audition with some of these speakers. If money is not a consideration, perhaps you could buy 2 or 3 pair, try them for a few months and sell the losers. I don't know of any sure-bet ultra high quality (and ultra high price) speakers in this size class.
Two speakers that would work very well for you:

AVI Neutron IV-(fabulous speakers, about as small as real hi-fi speakers can get)

Neat Petites-also quite fab.

They are both kind of hard to find, but worth it.
Another option - Snell K.5 Mark IIs are good monitors, and designed for close to walls. About $1200 retail I think. Good luck.
Call Joshua at Ears Nova and talk to him about the Penaudio Charisma/Chara system or the Rebel 2, which can also be mated with the Chara woofer. Reviews available on and