How many of us have worked in audio stores?

Just wondering how many of us have actually earned a living working in audio stores at some point in our lives...

To start, I used to work in Stereo Warehouse of PR in 1982-83 when I was 20 years old. The stores owners were concert promoters, so it was a triple play in which I was exposed to show business and record sales, too.

I also worked in Gallager TV in upstate NY back in 1988-89. The owner is a TV freak and a competent salesman Circuit City and Best Buy haven't been able to knock down.

Anyone else?
Hi Sean, My dealer friend breaks in all his wires in in his home theatre room. I used the Duo Tech. It seems to work, but takes forever. I am very interested in the cable cooker you have mentioned in the past. Gonna have to get one of these. I also agree with you that a cable should not be evaluated until completly broke in. That's the tough part for me. When is a cable fully broke in? Any info on this cable cooker would be much appreciated.
I worked for or managed four audio stores all together, sold many of the brands mentioned here.

Also served as factory representative and tech rep. for a number of high end lines. I called on audio stores, commercial sound providers and recording studios over several states. Total time spent amounts to more than ten years. Some of these jobs provided great pay, others provided priceless experiences and introduction to friends that have lasted for years.
I'm with Albert. It's the relationships that make this so interesting,...and the look on a thrilled customers face! John Entwistle (bassist for The Who) once said, "I do this because I have to. The money, the fame, the other perks are nice, but playing is what I was born to do. I'd be doing this even if we never made it big." This is my feeling on owning a Hi-End store. Some months we operate at a loss and I want to have my head examined. Then somebody says, "Thank you, I absolutely love it!" and it all makes sense again.
You know these people never worked in a HiFi store. They have money! I remember in 79 when I was working in audio retail, making $85 bucks a week sometimes, driving a $65 61 Olds Dynamic 88, and listening to my $5000 ARC and Magneplanar rig(beg, borrow, or steal), renting a room in a crappy old roach infested house.Real glamor and status. I did that crap for ten years, and learned to hate every minute of it! If it sounds like I'm bitter about it , I am.