So many choices what to buy?

I am coming to the end of my analysis paralysis and i have listened to many speakers. I have narrowed it down to a few with quite a price spread.
JM Lab's Mezzo Utopia's, B&W 802's, Thiel cs6 or 7.2's. Any advise?
Audiogod2, thanks for your insight. Here's the details on my room.
I have a 16'x21' room with a fireplace on the short wall. Currently I have my speakers (Vandersteen 2Ce's) on either side with about 2' infront of the wall and 2' from the sides. My listening distance is about 18' from the speakers.
My electronics are a Krell KRC-HR with a KSA200S amp (200 wats per channel at 8 ohms. I was told I could arc weld with this baby).
I love all music so the desires change with the mood, Clasical, Pop, folk, rock, blues, jazz etc. so my speakers need to be able to cover the dynamic range of all the music moods I might find myself.
If can let me know your thoughts on this please do so I can make the selection.
As far as the Thiel's I have found that there are deals that will bring in the purchase at about 4800 for a pair, new. Seems hard to believe. do you think this is correct, or should I be very cautious of such a deal. The price certainly makes the speaker an attractive choice.
Please let me know.
Before you make up your mind have you looked at the Maggie 20s or the Sound Lab M1s?? You at least owe it to yourself to hear what a great dipole sounds like.
I would seriously recommend that you audition the Revel Studio's.
My choice came down to between the B&W 802's or the Revels.
I've been ecstatic with them for 6 months now.
Richnus, my advice would be to go with your instincts and not take what anyone says too seriously. We won't have to live with the speakers but you will. Don't let us talk you into one speaker or another. If you let your ears make the decision, I guarranty you will be smiles from ear to ear.