Has anyone used cones on there Dunlavys'

I noticed on the Dunlavy II thread that we could start a Dunlavy fan club! I've wondered for three years now what would happen if I used cones on my Dunlavy IVa. In that they weigh 200 lbs and are so sensitive to placement I never tried. Anyone have any experience or insight? I have oak floors with wood joist below, and a wool carpet rug that covers 80% of the floor. The speakers are sitting on the rug. Thanks in advance, I'll see you at the next Dunlavy fan club meeting!
havent tried cones but made a base with 3 sheets of sheet rock 1 sheet of 1/2 inch ply. then 3 sheets sheet rock. sounds great better bass and focus.also just replaced the croosover component. they use cheap sand resistors and replaced with ohmite wire wound. also the solen caps with crescendos. the sound is 10x more musical and natural would be a understatement. the tweeter i replaced with the scan speak 9500. this is what a dunlavy should sound like for 7000 plus.
Interesting Steven. Which Dunlavy's did you modify? Was this difficult to do?
Snook, I modified the sc 4a,s. no not really as long as you have done soldering before. but be careful has always you take a chance but ive done this many times and the bennefit is worth it.On the binding post is i beleive 8 screws , remove them and you well probaly have to use a flat head screw driver and very carefully ease it between the panel and the speaker, work it a bit and it well pop loose. The croosx well then slide out, check out your values on each of the caps and resistors. Has far as resistors go dont stack them again add the ohm togeather and replace with the corresponding ohm.Look up www.northcreekmusic.com for values and ohm on your parts and always bypass.
If you have a little back ground in this area try it otherwise dont