Kharma confusion

I have heard many good things about the Kharma reference monitors. The updated Kharma website is confusing. In one section they list three reference monitor models. I was always under the impression that the 3.2 reference monitors came with the Focal tweeters, the same used in the Exquisite line. As I read the updated Kharma site it now looks like it is upgrade option.

(from Kharma site)

Ceramique 3 series (Ce3.1)
CRM3.2 Ceramique Reference monitor (incl. stand SDSS-C3)
CRM3.2F Ceramique Reference monitor (incl. stand SDSS-C3 and Focal tweeter)
CRM3.2D Ceramique Reference monitor (incl. stand SDSS-C3 and 30mm Diamond Tweeter)

Here is another section from the updated Kharma website that seems to say that the 3.2 reference monitors come standard with the Focal tweeters.

(again foom the Kharma site)

The Ceramique Reference Monitor 3.2 has the following features:

- Pure silver coils in crossover

- Double pure silver-gold internal wiring

- Special internal cabinet treatment with advanced polymer

- Signature series WBT connectors

- Kharma/Focal tweeter as in the Kharma Exquisite

- SDDS-stands included on heavy bottom plate

Many thanks to anyone who clear up this confusion

Jonathon and Tim thank you for your help and information. Tim I am waiting to hear the Tenor Hybrids before making my decision. My hope is they will retain that OTL magic.

Jonathon what does the diamond tweeter upgrade for the 3.2's cost?

thank you
Brad: A LOT!! I will find out and let you know. That price has recently been readjusted, for the better.
>>Brad: A LOT!! I will find out and let you know<<

that is why I like Jonathan... no sales BS here..

I've got the 3.2's but without the Diamond tweeter. I was told that the diamond upgrade would add 20K to the price.