Why lots of B&W Nautilus for sale used?

I see a lot of B&W Nautilus speakers for sale, mostly 804s and 805s and some 803s. Considering the Matrix was around for 10 years, you would think there would be lots of them for sale from upgrading, but no. So is the Nautilus really better than the older Matrix overall despite what we hear??
A94510 your living in the past,the very first amp Gryphon made back in the mid 80's had a problem with getting too hot and creating cold solders due I believe to the fact that we are double the current over here.Since the arival of the Antillion back in the mid 90's there have been no problems that i am aware of,And since i was the only dealer in the U.S. from 96 to the year 2000 i think i should have heard something?..no?Check out The best system ever built threads going on next door.It is good to here that Dan is comming out with better sounds these days.I went to his room a Treasure Island at CES and told him personaly that i was looking for a ss line that would fill the gap between Gryphon and McCormack(He liked that). I told him to come on over by the store and give his amps a shot.Do you know what he brought...I will give you a hint...It sure as hell wasn't an amp....because he is no fool...he brought the only thing Gryphon didn't make..a cd player..I didn't even think of that,THAT'S PRETTY CLEVER of him,don't ya think.I must confess that many many years ago i thought Krell was it.
The Antillion Signature pictures will be posted on the web site in a couple of weeks or you can e-mail me directly.
No Thanks sound_decisions, I will keep all the gear I have for a long time. Since you are a dealer for Gryphon, I take your words with a grain of salt and I only trust my own ears.
I can only help those who seek it.I am glad your happy with your gear,like i said before you can achieve good sound with the gear you own.Just for me, they were only the path, to the promised land.
Sound_decisions has your business of selling the Gryphon and Aerial been slow lately forcing you so aggressive advocating for them. Or is it because your neighbor B&W and Krell dealers outsell the lines you carry making you angry. I am happy for you that you found your promise land through your beloved Gryphon gears. It is just that they are not my cup of tea. I still want to wish you good luck for your business.