Is the BMC PureDAC a great dac?

I have heard it several times at shows, but never being used just as a dac, but I have had several friends tell me as a dac it is outstanding. Is there anyone here who has heard it just used as a dac?
thumbs up from me!! best kept secret,probably because of its reasonable $1690 price tag! lol
Make sure to burn in this DAC for at least 800 hours. Very sensitive to grounding, power cord, mechanical isolation. Closest to MCCI I've heard to date.
>> Make sure to burn in this DAC for at least 800 hours. <<

Wow, 800 hours?! 4 hrs./day for 200 daze - yowza! That's one heckuva long burn-in! No way to sneak that in under a home-trial policy, I betcha. It would be interesting to find someone who bought 2 and then put the 800 hrs. solely on one of them to see how (if?) the sound changes...


Ferris, you out there?