Copies Better Than Originals?

...Anyone with experience or knowledge about serious claims that the Pioneer CDR W739 (or 839) produces recorded copies which are of better quality than the originals? If so, how is it accomplished?
In the digital world this can be true. Once the input media reader decides on the sequence of "ones" and "zeros" it writes the same series to the output media (the copy). The ones and zeros of the original actually are two "states" (in a CD this would be a "pit" or no "pit") and in general the input information is converted to two voltage levels. Ideally the switching between voltage levels is instantaneous, and you have perfectly square pulses, properly spaced in time. In the real world the pulses are misshapen and jitter back and forth in time. The wonderful thing about digital information transfer is that if the pulses are still recognizable as "ones" and "zeros" (and they can be pretty badly messed up and still be recognized) the output data sequence can be generated using clean and properly timed pulses. In a CD copy this would be more precisely made "pits".

An example...
Your Subject, garbled..."copez beter thn riginals"

I can recognize your words in spite of the errors, so I can output..."copies better than originals"
..My poor choice of words. Strike "better". The author of the source of my inspiration for the topic from another web forum (I'm uncertain of the protocol here for mentioning it by name) goes to some length with apparent intelligent, subjective description about the relative improvement of copy over original. Blind testing, repeat experiments, etc. The individual identified himself as an electrical engineer.

Same subject; different method. How about "black" CD blanks? There's a white paper on Genesis Loudspeakers website re this means for achieving "improvement".
A copy of a CD can indeed appear to be better than the original. The reason is simple: the Red Book defines that the bit stream from an audio CD is processed in real time. In essence, this means that any time there is a read error, error correction needs to kick in, which will degrade the sound to some degree.
Conversely, if the copy machine actually does a CD-ROM read of the CD , that is, it builds a faithful copy of the CD in memory and then writes the copy, the copy may sound better when played in Red Book mode; error correction will not have to work as hard on the copy.
One might be tempted to ask, "If a copy was somehow better than the original, then where did the copier get the knowledge/information to add anything, without that that information being part of the original in the first place?" If in fact, the original did not contain the information that is added in the "better copy", then how can it be considered a "copy"? It cannot. It can be considered a synthesized enhancement, like an airbrushed Playboy centerfold.

It is totally impossible for a copy to exceed an original for content quality. As I stated above, to do so would require the addition of information or material that didn't exist in the original, and therefore anything added would simply be "made up" out of whole cloth. It can be "touched up", enhanced, restored, etc, to make it more "acceptable" to some, but never exceeded.
I don't remember the exact description but this was discussed in Sterophile a number of years ago. The author stated that copies had lower jitter and this could account for the improved sound over the original.