CD Transport recommandation

Has any one compared the CEC TLO-X vs Audiomeca Mephisto II-X CD Transport? Is the CEC TL0_X really worth the money compared to the CEC TL1-X? Has anyone heard the new kid on the block, CHORD Blu CD Transport? [I own currently a Chord DAC64 that I am using with a Linn IKEMI]
Any recommandation? Regards,

I too have the ikemi and dac64. I was wondering the opposite do I need that much tranport for that dac? So now I am wondering what your goal is are you going to replace the dac also? Or do you just want a dedicated transport? I feel the combination of the two is outstanding and I am having a hard time coming up with replacements that don't cost two to three times more than what we have now.
I have heard ikemi with dac64 and blu with dac64.
I felt the blu gave noticeably better image,depth,width and detail.....however the ikemi sounds to be more transparent & up front.
The blu is warmer in sound.