Need 10 foot cable for Audio Magic Stealth XXX

Purchased Audio Magic XXX line conditioner in December (great product) and would like some recommendations as to which power cord to match it with. I need approx. 10 foot length. Would like to purchase pre-owned. Budget is $500 but can stretch to $750 for something exceptional. Thanks
Recommend Signal Cable 10 AWG AC power cord, or D.H. Labs 12 AWG, or even Panamax Pinnacle 12 AWG. IMHO, the cord going from wall to conditioner doesn't matter as much as the cords going from conditioner to electronics. Just get a heavy guage, i.e., 12 AWG or bigger. At least that's been my experience.
Best wishes,
Surprisingly, I've had good success running a Z-squared Elite I from the wall to my Stealth Power conditioner, even though it is a relatively small gauge. I don't know if it is available in 10 foot runs.
Jay, thanks for the Signal Cable suggestion. Did a little research, checked prices (just under $100 for 10 foot power cord) and realized I could not go wrong with at least trying it out so I ordered one. With the money I saved, I'll be ordering power cords for my CD player and FM tuner.