Linn Sondek LP-12 happy/un-happy owners

I am considering the purchase of a new LP-12 and I here from both sides. Some say they are forever out of adjustment and they are a terrible TT. The dealer says that the adjustment problem is true of the old but has been resolved. Some owners say that they wouln't have anyother TT. What is the consenus of the AudioGoners that have owned a LP-12?

I would suggest for Thorens TD124MKII or Garrad 301. It is problem free if you can find a good set in 2nd market and it way much more musical. I have compared with 2 LP12 from my friends setup with ittok and various arm but cant beat my TD124MKII with SME3012 and Denon DL103R combi.

Count me as very happy. I have a old LP12/Ittok, upgraded over a valhalla with an Origin Live DC motor. For fun, compared it head to head with Lyra Argo on VPI scout and scout master. LP12 just sounded better. It was undeniable. Everyone in attendance agreed, even the Linn haters.
Well, mine is only a 1978, which aint pretty. But it has gone through all the steps. Every five years it asks a tuning. I have heard better but I cannot spend so much. My new tone arm is wonder scary sublime.