electrocompaniet new upgrade information

Can you tell me what the new upgrade for the emc-1 will consist of ? Will the dealers do it or the factory? I heard it will cost around $1500.00 any info will be helpful. Thank you

I think you meant to say 24/192, not 24/96. The former is contained in the upgrade kit provided my Electrocompaniet. It includes a new brass plate for the top of the cdp that indicates it has been upgraded to "24 bit upsampler 192khz dac".
How good is this player ?? I am selling off my Wadia 6 and was looking into the EMC or replacing the 6 with another Wadia model such as the 16i or the 850.. Has any of you compaired any of theses to any of the Wadia stuff??

Thanks for your input
In my post I did indeed mean 24/192, not 24/96. That was written in error.

Kenl: Are you saying that the upgrade to which sanctuary os sound is referring is contained in the 24/192 upgrade? I don't think that is correct.

No. The upgrade that SOS is referring to will be the next upgrade. You are right that the upgrade that I just had installed is the only upgrade currently available. I wasn't even aware of a future upgrade. Had I been, I might have waited to have them both performed at the same time.
