VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
Like I've said, it's virtually impossible for an *extruded* cable to beat naturaly insulated silver. Chris VenHaus and Robert Schult of Ridge Street Audio are some of the very few designers working with naturally insulated silver.

My psychic mind tells me Kubala's performance would not get even close to VenHaus or Ridge Street naturally insulated silver cabling.

Thanks Psychicanimal, do you actually have any experience (of a more material nature) with the 'Kubala' top range cables?

I was of the impression that shielded cables (whether silver, copper or gold) produce a more restricted or closed-in sound. When one compares the Silver and insulated cables of the likes of 'Stereovox' or 'Siltech' with a cable such as the unshielded 'Verbatim' copper ribbons, this would certainly seem to be the case. Similarly, the 'Goertz AG3' silver ribbon speaker cables also hugely outperform the likes of the 'Chord Company Odyssey 4' shielded copper speaker cables. What this seems to suggest is that neither the selected material of cable or selections around shielding in-and-of-themselves guarantee a better cable: not even bothering to wander into the mine-field here of what constitutes "better".

Having noted this proposition, I should stress that the Kubala's (which I assume to be shielded) are far more open sounding, more neutral, resolving and produce a more realistic soundstage than any of the above noted cables.

Interestingly, it was a review in which the VH Audio power cords were put into an elite list of cables with the Kubala that first highlighted my potential interest. I have tried many, many high range cables of various characteristics and have come to infer that the proof of this pudding is very much in the eating. This leads me back to my question about any direct comparisons between Kubala's and a prefered cable. Any advice would still be warmly welcomed
Psychicanimal, I am not sure if Transparent cables are extruded but I happened to recently compare the top of the line Ridge street cables against the Transparent Music link plus interconnects as well as the transparent Ultra and the Transparent was definitely better. I havent been able to compare the Kubala Sosna or pranawire stuff against the transparent stuff yet but hopefully I will in the near future. I have heard the Kubalas separately and thought they were great.