TG Audio vs Pursang vs Poiema Interconnects

Has anyone compared the following RCA interconnects?

TG Audio HSR
Argent Audio Pursang
Ridge Street Audio Poiema

What differences did you hear?
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I don't have the IC's but I do have TG Audio speaker cables and I can say that they are not bright at all with SS equipment. Great center imaging and bass extension is what I'm hearing with the speaker cables. Can't wait to try the IC's. Their SLVR pc's are wonderful as well
Gliderguider and Tvad, the regular HSR and High Purity interconnects differ in only one parameter, namely purity of the silver. The HSR is 99.99 silver and the High Purity starts as 99.99 and is boiled removing impurities and we are told it is 99.9999 silver, but do not have it assayed, something that would run about 2K per batch. The HP sounds cleaner and sweeter than the regular HSR, but they do share a lot as the design parameters are exactly the same. Hope this helps a bit and yes I am the maker.

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders
I'd like to revive this thread a bit.

The Pursang is now a Pursang S, and the Poiema!! is now a system matching custom Poiema!! Signature. I am guessing the TG Audio remains the same (that's not necessarily a bad thing).

I am also curious about the Pure Note Paragon, and how it stacks up in this group.