Cartridge De-Mag: Is it necessary?

I have a new Nottingham Horizon with Micro-Benz Ace (Low output). I have seen the Benz MC Demagnatizer listed. Is this something I really need or just a tweak for subtle improvement that only some people use.

Thanks for your opinions.
Hi Bundy, You might not get a lot of responses to your post because this issue has been covered extensively in this forum (and in the fora on other sites) Do a couple searches and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I will tell you that A.J. van den Hul ( has a lot to say about why one SHOULDN'T use a cartridge demagnetizer.
Per Van Den Hul, it may actually be detrimental in the long run:
It depends on the cartridge. It's essential for Shelter's and Koetsu's, has little or no effect on a ZYX. Don't know about Benz, sorry.

You can de-mag more safely (and cheaply) with the Cardas record, probably without risking the damage from active devices that VdH warns about .

Also, what Nsgarch said. :-)
I know you asked about Benz, but FYI, I've posed this question directly and personally to Mr. John Grado. He says his moving iron cartridges do not need demagnetizing ... ever.