Record Cleaning Again

I found the following interesting article on Michael Fremer's site:

I thought my record cleaning routine was fairly thorough. After reading this article I realize its possible to get much more involved, anal actually. I use RRL SDC followed by SVW on new records. On my older records or used ones I buy, an enzyme cleaner, either VinylZyme Gold or Audio Intelligent precedes those steps. Flip caps are not opened with fingers; a pin or end of a paper clip is used. Separate brushes and vacuum pickup tubes are used for each step. The felt strips on the vacuum pickup tubes are cleaned after each record by holding them over the vacuum port and vacuuming the contaminants off. After every 4 records, the felt strips and brushes are rinsed with their appropriate fluid (except the enzyme tube and brush are rinsed with SVW) and then vacuumed dry. Tubes and brushes are stored in a box to keep them away from dust and other contaminants. Anyone go to the extremes outlined in the article? The idea of spreading contaminants from record to record is plausible, and I hope my method limits that.
Sean, I did, I mis-read your post on this thread, & thought you where adding a 4th cleaning machine to your assembly line arsenal. I deleted my post after it registered.
I read through this, and it looks like a record cleaning machine will be my next purchase (got a new TT last week).

Fortunately for me, I find that quirky things like cleaning records makes listening more enjoyable. Maybe I can find some extra steps to add to make it even more quirky. ;)
Gee Sean,

three ring disc cleaning circus, where do you store it all?

I've got my eyes on a Loricraft cleaner - it removes it all in one pass and from the reviews here is that much more effective removing the residue than the pad variety record cleaners.

Hoping I have $1800 left over when I blow my tax refund.
Tom: I live in a three story house. As i've mentioned before, my girlfriend is extremely tolerant of the mounds of electronics scattered all over the house. Then again, one of the spare bedrooms that we have acts as her "walk in closet", so i guess we are on equal footing there. The fact that i pay for all of the electronics and she gets to use them probably doesn't bother her either : )

Once we end up moving, i get the feeling that she's going to want to "go to town" on the interior, etc... Once that happens, i have the feeling that there is going to be a small ( maybe NOT so "small" ) war taking place. I told her so long as the decorations that she wants to use don't detract from room acoustics and speaker placement in any of the rooms, she could do whatever she wants. You should have seen the look she gave me on that one : ) Sean