Stable Platter Transports

Hello all,

I'm a fan of the sound I get from my EAD T-1000 transport, which I've had in my system for 6 years or so.

I am putting together a higher end system for the listening room, and am thinking about the CD transport as the last item to complete the arrangement.

I am thinking about getting a used transport so I can get another that uses the Stable Platter mechanism. Any suggestions on high quality transports?

I know about the EAD Ultradisk 2000, which was their last CD only transport, and that is probably my frontrunner right now.

I would be interested in any other transport suggestions that will fall in the $1000 dolllar range. I guess Theta used the S.P. for some transports? Who else?

Associated Equipment:

EAD Theatermaster 8 Signature
Pass Labs X-150
Synergistic cables
Hales Concept 3 speakers

Thanks everyone, and have a great holiday season.

The Wadia 830 is not a dedicated transport even though it could be used that way. It is really not needed with the Theatremaster.
You may want to look for a Theta Pearl or Jade. I believe they both have the stable platform transport. I have heard the Pearl and it is very musical. The Jade is supposed to be a step up.
I've heard the Theta Pearl--it does use the stable platter and is very good sounding. Perhaps slightly on the warm side--but that's pretty subjective. I liked it very much.
the Pioneer Elite PDM 65 uses the stable platter and is a great and good priced transport - it is also a player but as a transport it is very good and nice looking with that Elite look.
The EAD U2000 can be used for transport only via coaxial digital output, but it's actually a one box player including the Pacific Microsonics HDCD decoder. This is such a great machine; stands on it's own merits & I have no desire to even try anything else. Certainly it can be bettered but at what price & would it be worth the extra $? You'd probably have to spend a lot more; to get to the next level might even require going up to SACD with it's $25 a pop software. With "meager" redbook-priced HDCD discs you're in for an unbelievable treat. If you haven't auditioned the U2000 you simply must try one for yourself. My setup includes Synergistic's better cabling & Accuphase pre & PA. No doubt the EAD would be really sweet with your Hales; I'd love to hear it too.