Teres Turntable Support - concrete, wood, rack...?

Hi Folks:
I have a Teres 245 that I've been enjoying for the last year or so. I currently have it supported on two layers of concrete blocks, on top of a brick floor. With other component purchases/changes, my audio area is getting quite crowded. Hence, I'm evaluating options for more space-saving physical support for the Teres. I am seeking opinions on support solutions which would yield better or at least similar results from what I have currently, yet offer me space under the table support to store other components. Two ideas I have would be to buy one of these Adona racks:

Alternatively, I would be interested in pursuing some variation on the following rack that I noticed in one of the virtual systems, owned by the user Vetterone:


Anyway, I'd welcome input and advice on what you would recommend. My budget sensitivity is about medium - I don't want to spend a lot but am open to spending more to get something that looks good and works well. Thanks!
I don't seem to be getting any closer to a decision here. Still waiting to hear what you use for your equipment/component rack Dave! So many people swear by the wonderful sonics they get from thick wood racks and platforms, and yet, like Dave & Twl, others say that they are definitely not the way to go! As important as the rack may be, I really don't want to spend almost as much on it as I do on the turntable - I just don't have the $$$ to burn.

Any comments on the Sonus rack?

I will be going to see Chris of Teres tomorrow. I'll see what he has to say about preferred racks for the Teres turntables - just so I can get more confused by the choices, probably. :-)
John - somehow I lost track of the fact that you started this thread!! What did you end up getting for your stand/rack? Or are you still looking?

Oakiris, I am using my Galibier turntable on a 3/4" thick maple butcherblock shelf from Bed, Bath and Beyond, which is supported in the corners by the solid oak posts of a DIY stand. Surprising as it may seem, I prefer that to the 3" thick platform from Timbernation. This started out as a strictly temporary setup, but I have not been able to find anything that I prefer.

My favorite mounting for my power amps is a solid walnut platform resting directly on the carpet. My preamps sound best, at least so far, on a short nesting table made of solid oak. I have not tried most of the commercial offerings since I prefer to do things myself where possible.

I would like to try a very solid and rigid metal stand, perhaps a Sound Anchors or Billy Bags product. My present thinking is that this might provide the best combination of sound characteristics that I am looking for. TWL's comments about the new Sistrum stand also interest me. I look forward to seeing some photos. Also, Lugnut's stand looks great and I suspect sounds very nice.

My reason for posting here was not to say what is best, but rather to issue a caution about assuming that a thick maple BB platform will solve all of your problems.

My experiments to date lead me to two conclusions: First, different shelves and stands can sound dramatically different. Second, two people can reach opposite conclusions about which material sounds best. Ultimately, like most things in home audio, you have to try something yourself and reach your own conclusions.

Hi Oakiris:
I haven't gotten any new stand yet - still considering options. I'm tempted to get a the new Sistrum stand that Twl outlines as I've had good success with the sistrum 004 platforms for my speakers. Also, the upcoming sistrum turntable platform can hold two other components apart from the turntable. This is a key requirment for me, as my real-estate for audio is quite limited and I'm keen to get some more equipment stacked into the turntable footprint.

Right now I am using four standard concrete blocks on top of a brick floor area as a stand for the teres. This is per original recommendation I got from Twl, who's opinion I trust highly.

I did try adding a 3/4 inch thick MDF wood interface between the Teres and the concrete, but results were not so good in my opinion - it's possible some elements of the music were better, but overall the presentation was a little less resolved and lacked authority.

For reference, check out this very cool looking stand that was made specifically for a Teres:


I got the link courtesy of Lugnut. The stand looks pretty amazing to me, and meets my needs of supporting some other equipment. Still, I'm not sure if I have the DIY know how and patience to build one myself.

Also, for reference, here are two other links which outline some good thoughts and optionions on turntable stands - might not be fully applicable to unsuspended turntables like Teres, but good thougths nonetheless:


